Monday, September 28, 2009


Serving a traditional turkey dinner this thanksgiving? Well, there's still time to add some flair to your family affair. Hey, Et Canada, the leaves are changing, and so is the menu. You got the turkey; we got the chefs to help you twist up the trimmings. We got the pumpin-seeds stuffing, which is done with pumpkin seeds,figs,sage. Cornbread stuffing is done with the smoked chipotle,and sweet pepper and green onion. And the piece de resistance:chestnut-cherry stuffing wild rice. We add the actual bread to it as well. We have sour cherries,and we top it off with Brandy and chestnuts. But what about drinks? Raspberry cider. You take the apple cider or apple juice, if you prefer, a little bit of frozen conentrate raspberry, a little bit of connamon and sugar. You put it all in a big sourcepan, and boil it. And for a special cider, how about , cinnamon, and bit of Courvoisier liqueur? It's served in a champagne glass, it's warm, and you add a little bit of a cinnmon stick to it, and you're definite set for the holiday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our field trip yesterday

Yesterday, the teacher took us to the job fair. We met at the Don Mills subway station at 9:30am. Then we took the subway to the Union subway station. We arrived the job fair centre at 10:00. There were many people in the hall. A young girl told me some informations about my field, and she asked me to give her my E_mail address. She said that she would send me more informations about my field.

When I filled in a form, I heard a person spoke Mandrain. I thought many Chinese went to the job fair. But when I put up my head. I was really surprise, because he was Canadian, not Chinese. I was excited, I asked him how long he had studied Mandrain. He said three years. I wonder why he can speak Mandrain so fluncy. So I talked with him about ten minutes. He said he had taught english in Taiwan for three years. After class, nobody spoke English only Mandrain. But his Mandrain was really good. When I talked with him, I spoke in normal speed and I changed several topics, he never said "pardon" and he understood very well. He seldom had the accent. Even he can write Mandrain, he explain his chinese name to me, he knew the meaning of his name very well. I thought it was great after I studied english three years I can speak english fluncy .

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Son Goes To Kindergarten

Today I took my son to register in kindergarten . He was excited, because his good friends study in that school too. If he goes to the kindergarten, he needs to get up early than before. I think it's good for him. He likes reading books, listening stories and music. He has lots of interest in learning new knowledge. He always asked me many questions, but some of them I didn't know what the answers were, then I asked him what he thought about them. He imaged them and his answers were funny. I hope he can enjoy himself in the new school.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Last weekend

Last weekend, my son asked me to take him to the Parkway Mall. That day was a good day. My son wore a hat and sunglasses. He felt very happy; so he sang and jumped.
When we reached to the Mall, there were a few people shopping. My son said that he wanted to go to the library. There, he selected three books he liked. Then he asked me to buy a new car for him. He always likes toy cars. After he got a new car, he held it carefully. He told me that he loved it.
Finally, he said he wanted to go to the Metro. I asked him why he wanted to go there. He said that he was hungry, so he asked me to buy some cookies for him. After that, we went back home, we felt very tired, but it was worth it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My good friend will go to the high school

Today is Friday. Many classmates went home early.
My good friend Michael will go to the high school next week. We have studied English for almost one year. He is a good student. He is a teacher's pet. He studied more diligently than me; so he often made fun of my vocabulary and pronunciation. His vocabulary is larger than mine, but my grammar is better than his. We all took a pronunciation class. Now, I think my pronunciation is better than his. But he said the teacher said his pronunciation was nearly as good as a native speaker's. I said the teacher was only encouraging him. We need to take more time to practise our English.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009